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Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

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24 Employee benefits

Retirement benefit obligations

The Group operates a number of retirement benefit plans throughout the world, the principal ones being in the UK and US. The major schemes are self-administered with the schemes' assets being held independently of the Group. Retirement benefit costs are assessed in accordance with the advice of independent qualified actuaries. The UK Group scheme is a hybrid scheme with both defined benefit and defined contribution sections but, predominantly, consisting of defined benefit liabilities. There are a number of defined contribution schemes, principally overseas.

The most recent actuarial valuation of the UK Group scheme was completed on 1 January 2004.

The principal assumptions used for the UK Group scheme are shown below. Weighted average assumptions have been shown for the other schemes.

Principal assumptions used for the UK Group scheme
% 2005 UK Group scheme 2005 Other schemes 2004 UK Group scheme 2004 Other schemes 2003 UK Group scheme 2003 Other schemes
Inflation 2.80 2.95 2.80 2.98 2.75 2.98
Expected rate of increase in salaries 4.50 4.43 4.80 4.44 4.75 4.45
Expected rate of increase for pensions
in payment and deferred pensions
2.50 to 4.00 - 2.80 to 4.00 - 2.75 to 4.00 -
Rate used to discount scheme liabilities 4.85 5.54 5.40 5.84 5.50 6.11
Expected return on assets 6.40 7.31 6.60 7.23 6.81 7.75
The amounts recognised in the income statement are as follows:
All figures in £ millions UK Group scheme Defined
Sub total Defined contribution 2005
Current service cost (25) (2) (27) (35) (62)
Past service cost - - - - -
Curtailments - 2 2 - 2
Total operating charge (25) - (25) (35) (60)
Expected return on plan assets 75 6 81 - 81
Interest on pension scheme liabilities (79) (6) (85) - (85)
Net finance charge (4) - (4) - (4)
Net income statement charge (29) - (29) (35) (64)
Actual return on plan assets 214 7 221 - 221
All figures in £ millions UK Group scheme Defined
Sub total Defined contribution 2004
Current service cost (22) (2) (24) (32) (56)
Past service cost - - - - -
Total operating charge (22) (2) (24) (32) (56)
Expected return on plan assets 71 6 77 - 77
Interest on pension scheme liabilities (72) (6) (78) - (78)
Net finance charge (1) - (1) - (1)
Net income statement charge (23) (2) (25) (32) (57)
Actual return on plan assets 135 9 144 - 144
All figures in £ millions UK Group scheme Defined
Sub total Defined contribution 2003
Current service cost (21) (2) (23) (28) (51)
Past service cost - - - - -
Total operating charge (21) (2) (23) (28) (51)
Expected return on plan assets 65 4 69 - 69
Interest on pension scheme liabilities (67) (7) (74) - (74)
Net finance charge (2) (3) (5) - (5)
Net income statement charge (23) (5) (28) (28) (56)
Actual return on plan assets 145 12 157 - 157

The total operating charge is included in administrative and other expenses.

The amounts recognised in the balance sheet are as follows:

The amounts recognised in the balance sheet are as follows:
All figures in
£ millions
2005 UK Group scheme 2005 Other funded plans 2005 Other unfunded plans 2005 Total 2004 UK Group scheme 2004 Other funded plans 2004 Other unfunded plans 2004 Total 2003 UK Group scheme 2003 Other funded plans 2003 Other unfunded plans 2003 Total
Fair value of
plan assets
1,390 110 - 1,500 1,198 82 - 1,280 1,089 75 - 1,164
Present value
of plan
(1,661) (131) (11) (1,803) (1,502) (104) (9) (1,615) (1,340) (105) (9) (1,454)
Net pension
(271) (21) (11) (303) (304) (22) (9) (335) (251) (30) (9) (290)
Other post-
      (60)       (58)       (61)
Other pension
      (26)       (15)       (13)
      (389)       (408)       (364)
The following amounts have been recognised in the statement of recognised income and expense:
All figures in £ millions 2005 2004 2003
Amounts recognised for defined benefit schemes 21 (60) (25)
Amounts recognised on post-retirement medical benefit schemes 5 (1) (3)
Total recognised in year 26 (61) (28)
Cumulative amounts recognised (63) (89) (28)
The fair value of plan assets comprises the following:
% 2005 UK Group scheme 2005 Other funded plans 2005 Total 2004 UK Group scheme 2004 Other funded plans 2004 Total 2003 UK Group scheme 2003 Other funded plans 2003 Total
Equities 47.4 4.3 51.7 49.7 4.2 53.9 50.5 4.2 54.7
Bonds 24.7 2.0 26.7 21.5 2.1 23.6 22.5 2.1 24.6
Properties 8.9 - 8.9 8.9 - 8.9 9.2 - 9.2
Other 11.7 1.0 12.7 13.5 0.1 13.6 11.4 0.1 11.5

The plan assets do not include any of the Group's own financial instruments, nor any property occupied by the Group.

Changes in the values of plan assets and liabilities are as follows:
All figures in £ millions 2005 UK Group scheme 2005 Other 2005 Total 2004 UK Group scheme 2004 Other 2004 Total 2003 UK Group scheme 2003 Other 2003 Total
Fair value of assets
Opening fair value
of plan assets
1,198 82 1,280 1,089 75 1,164 974 57 1,031
Exchange differences - 9 9 - (5) (5) - (5) (5)
Expected return on
plan assets
75 6 81 71 6 77 65 4 69
Actuarial gains and losses 139 1 140 64 3 67 80 8 88
Contributions by
35 10 45 30 9 39 24 9 33
Contributions by
6 - 6 6 - 6 6 - 6
Benefits paid (63) (6) (69) (62) (6) (68) (60) (6) (66)
Acquisition through
business combination
- 8 8 - - - - 8 8
Closing fair value of
plan assets
1,390 110 1,500 1,198 82 1,280 1,089 75 1,164
Present value of defined
benefit obligation
Opening defined benefit
(1,502) (113) (1,615) (1,340) (114) (1,454) (1,207) (96) (1,303)
Exchange differences - (12) (12) - 6 6 - 9 9
Current service cost (25) (2) (27) (22) (2) (24) (21) (2) (23)
Curtailment - 2 2 - - - - - -
Interest cost (79) (6) (85) (72) (6) (78) (67) (7) (74)
Contributions by
(6) - (6) (6) - (6) (6) - (6)
Acquisition through
business combination
- (10) (10) - - - - (10) (10)
Benefits paid 63 6 69 62 6 68 60 6 66
Actuarial gains
and losses
(112) (7) (119) (124) (3) (127) (99) (14) (113)
Closing defined
benefit obligation
(1,661) (142) (1,803) (1,502) (113) (1,615) (1,340) (114) (1,454)
The history of the defined benefit plans is as follows:
All figures in £ millions 2005 2004 2003
Present value of defined benefit obligation (1,803) (1,615) (1,454)
Fair value of plan assets 1,500 1,280 1,164
Net pension liability (303) (335) (290)
Experience adjustments on plan liabilities (119) (127) (113)
Experience adjustments on plan assets 140 67 88

The expected rates of return on categories of plan assets are determined by reference to relevant indices. The overall expected rate of return is calculated by weighting the individual rates in accordance with the anticipated balance in the plan's investment portfolio.

The Group expects to contribute approximately £41m to its defined benefit plans in 2006.

Other post-retirement obligations

The Group operates a number of post-retirement medical benefit schemes, principally in the USA. These plans are unfunded. The method of accounting and the frequency of valuations are similar to those used for defined benefit pension schemes.

The principal assumptions used are shown below:
% 2005 2004 2003
Inflation 3.0 3.0 3.0
Initial rate of increase in healthcare rates 10.0 12.0 12.0
Ultimate rate of increase in healthcare rates 5.0 5.0 5.0
Rate used to discount scheme liabilities 5.6 6.1 6.1
The amounts recognised in the income statement are as follows:
All figures in £ millions 2005 2004 2003
Current service cost (1) (1) (1)
Interest cost (3) (4) (4)
Net income statement charge (4) (5) (5)
The current service cost has been included in administrative and other expenses.
All figures in £ millions 2005 2004 2003
Opening obligation (58) (61) (63)
Exchange differences (7) 6 6
Current service cost (1) (1) (1)
Interest cost (3) (4) (4)
Benefits paid 4 3 4
Actuarial gains and losses 5 (1) (3)
Closing obligation (60) (58) (61)
The effect of a one percentage point increase (and decrease) in the assumed medical cost trend rates is as follows:
All figures in £ millions 2005
Effect on:
Aggregate of service cost
and interest cost
0.2 (0.2) 0.2 (0.2) 0.3 (0.3)
Defined benefit obligation 4.7 4.1 4.1 (3.7) 4.8 (4.2)

Share-based compensation

The Group recognised the following charges in the income statement in respect of its share-based payment plans:
All figures in £ millions 2005 2004 2003
Pearson plans 13 15 20
IDC plans 10 10 9
Total share-based payment costs 23 25 29

The Group operates the following equity-settled employee option and performance plans:

Profit Sharing Plan - The Group operates a profit sharing plan for all employees, the payment of which is at the discretion of the Pearson board and may be made in cash or Pearson shares.

Save for Shares Plans - Since 1994 the Group has operated a Save-As-You-Earn plan for UK employees. In 1998, the Group introduced a Worldwide Save for Shares Plan. Under these plans, employees can save a portion of their monthly salary over periods of three, five or seven years. At the end of this period, the employee has the option to purchase ordinary shares with the accumulated funds at a purchase price equal to 80% of the market price prevailing at the time of the commencement of the employee's participation in the plan. Options that are not exercised within six months of the third, fifth or seventh anniversary after grant lapse unconditionally.

Employee Stock Purchase Plan - In 2000, the Group established an Employee Stock Purchase Plan which allows all employees in the United States to save a portion of their monthly salary over six month periods. At the end of the period the employee has the option to purchase ADRs with their accumulated funds at a purchase price equal to 85% of the lower of the market price prevailing at the beginning or end of the period.

Executive Share Option Plan - Under this plan, options were granted to senior management at an exercise price equal to the market price of the shares on the date of grant. Options granted prior to 1996 are not subject to performance conditions. The exercise of options granted since 1996 is subject to growth in the Group's adjusted earnings per share over a three year period prior to exercise. Options become exercisable on the third anniversary of the date of grant and lapse if they remain unexercised at the tenth. No new awards will be made under this plan.

Reward Plan - Awards of premium priced options were made under this plan in 1999 and 2000 with an exercise price above the market value of the shares at the grant date. The exercise of options is subject to Pearson's share price remaining above certain thresholds for specified periods of time and to growth in the Group's adjusted earnings per share over the three year period prior to exercise. Options became exercisable on the third anniversary of the date of grant and lapse if they remain unexercised at the tenth. No new awards will be made under this plan.

Special Share Option Plan - In 2000, the Group made a special one-off award of share options with an exercise price equal to the market price of the shares on the grant date. They vested in tranches of 50% on the first anniversary of the date of grant and 25% on the second and third anniversaries of the grant date. Options lapse if they remain unexercised at the tenth anniversary of the grant date. No new awards will be made under this plan.

Long-Term Incentive Plan - This plan was introduced in 2001 and consists of two parts: share options and/or restricted shares.

Options were granted under this plan in 2001 based on a pre-grant earnings per share growth test and are not subject to further performance conditions on exercise. The options became exercisable in tranches and lapse if they remain unexercised at the tenth anniversary of the date of grant.

The vesting of restricted shares is normally dependent upon the satisfaction of corporate performance targets over a three year period. These targets may be based on market and/or non-market performance criteria. Restricted shares granted in 2001 vested based on Pearson's three-year cumulative free cash flow per share performance. Awards made in December 2002 and September 2003 vest in tranches. One sixth of the award vests after three years with no performance conditions. The vesting of the balance depends on Pearson's share price performance over the seven year period following the grants. Restricted shares awarded in December 2004 and September 2005 vest dependent on the following market and non-market performance criteria: relative shareholder return, return on invested capital and a combination of earnings per share and sales growth. The award is split equally across all three measures.

Annual Bonus Share Matching Plan - This plan permits executive directors and senior executives around the Group to invest up to 50% of any after tax annual bonus in Pearson shares. If these shares are held and the Group meets an earnings per share growth target, the Company will match them on a gross basis of up to one share for every one held after three years and another one for two originally held after five years.

The number and weighted average exercise prices of share options granted under the Group's schemes are as follows:
  2005 Number of share options 000s 2005 Weighted average exercise price £ 2004 Number of share options 000s 2004 Weighted average exercise price £ 2003 Number of share options 000s 2003 Weighted average exercise price £
Outstanding at beginning of year 26,179 5.93 32,284 6.93 35,608 8.84
Granted during the year 606 5.06 886 4.56 2,309 5.16
Exercised during the year (324) 6.78 (254) 10.10 (89) 10.60
Forfeited during the year (4,352) 10.42 (6,301) 7.49 (5,053) 16.25
Expired during the year (432) - (436) - (491) -
Outstanding at end of year 21,677 5.05 26,179 5.93 32,284 6.93
Options exercisable at the end of year 7,634 7.80 9,071 9.23 9,882 9.44

Options were exercised regularly throughout the year. The weighted average share price during the year was £6.52 (2004: £6.25; 2003: £5.72). Early exercises are treated as an acceleration of vesting and the remaining charge is recognised at the date of exercise.

The options outstanding at the end of the year have weighted average remaining contractual lives and exercise prices as follows:
Range of exercise prices
Number of
Number of
Number of
0 - 5 2,773 2.08 3,251 2.97 2,740 3.66
5 - 10 5,555 4.48 6,538 5.44 7,797 6.02
10 - 15 8,237 4.63 9,604 5.57 11,758 6.63
15 - 20 1,168 3.80 1,469 4.81 2,210 5.78
20 - 25 930 3.80 1,346 4.92 2,210 6.02
>25 3,014 4.22 3,971 4.65 5,569 5.79
Total 21,677 4.13 26,179 5.00 32,284 5.99

In 2005, 2004 and 2003 options were granted under the Worldwide Save for Shares Plan. The weighted average estimated fair value for the options granted was calculated using a Black-Scholes option pricing model.

The weighted average estimated fair values and the inputs into the Black-Scholes model are as follows:
  2005 Weighted average 2004 Weighted average 2003 Weighted average
Fair value £2.34 £2.70 £1.82
Weighted average share price £6.54 £6.58 £5.15
Weighted average exercise price £5.08 £4.96 £4.25
Expected volatility 33.69% 41.95% 48.74%
Expected life 3.6 years 3.8 years 4.0 years
Risk free rate 4.48% 4.77% 3.84%
Expected dividend yield 2.40% 2.72% 4.55%
Forfeiture rate 20.0% 21.1% 18.7%

The expected volatility is based on the historic volatility of the Company's share price over the previous 3 - 7 years depending on the vesting term of the options.

During the year the following shares were granted under restricted share arrangements:
of shares
value £
of shares
value £
of shares
value £
Annual Bonus Share Matching Plan 71 5.57 53 5.42 108 4.36
Long-term Incentive Plan 3,987 5.05 2,413 4.54 1,711 5.21

The fair value of shares awarded under the Annual Bonus Share Matching Plan was determined using a Black-Scholes model. Shares awarded under the Long-Term Incentive Plan were also valued using a Black-Scholes model provided the shares vest unconditionally. The weighted average estimated fair values and the inputs into the Black-Scholes model are as follows:

The weighted average estimated fair values and the inputs into the Black-Scholes model are as follows:
  2005 Weighted average 2004 Weighted average
Fair value £6.19 £4.54
Weighted average share price £6.69 £6.13
Weighted average exercise price - -
Expected volatility 32.79% 38.39%
Expected life 3.3 years 3.0 years
Risk free rate 4.19% 4.59%
Expected dividend yield 2.35% 4.00%
Forfeiture rate 9.9% 4.5%

In 2003, no restricted shares granted were valued using a Black-Scholes model. The fair value of restricted shares that vest conditionally upon the fulfilment of a market condition were valued by an independent actuary using a Monte Carlo model. Shares with a non-market vesting condition were fair valued based on the share price at the date of grant taking into account any future dividend payments. The performance conditions were considered by adjusting the number of shares expected to vest based on the most likely outcome of the relevant performance criteria.

Subsidiary share option plans

IDC, a 61% subsidiary of the Group, operates the following share-based payment plans:

2001 Employee Stock Purchase Plan In 2001, IDC adopted the 2001 Employee Stock Purchase Plan for all eligible employees worldwide. The 2001 Employee Stock Purchase Plan allows employees to purchase stock at a discounted price at specific times.

2000 Long-Term Incentive Plan Under this plan, the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors can grant share-based awards representing up to 20% of the total number of shares of common stock outstanding at the date of grant. The plan provides for the discretionary issuance of share-base awards to directors, officers and employees of IDC, as well as persons who provide consulting or other services to IDC. The exercise price for all options granted to date has been equal to the market price of the underlying shares at the date of grant. Options expire ten years from the date of grant and generally vest over a three to four year period without any performance criteria attached.

In addition, grants of restricted stock can be made to certain executives and members of the Board of Directors of IDC. The awarded shares are available for distribution, at no cost, at the end of a three-year vesting period. No performance criteria are attached to shares granted under this plan.

The number and weighted average exercise prices of share options granted under the 2000 Long-Term Incentive Plan is as follows:

The number and weighted average exercise prices of share options granted under the 2000 Long-Term Incentive Plan is as follows:
  2005 Number of share options 000s 2005 Weighted average exercise price $ 2005 Weighted average exercise price £ 2004 Number of share options 000s 2004 Weighted average exercise price $ 2004 Weighted average exercise price £ 2003 Number of share options 000s 2003 Weighted average exercise price $ 2003 Weighted average exercise price £
Outstanding at
beginning of year
9,832 13.46 7.36 9,358 12.15 7.44 8,619 10.43 6.38
Granted during
the year
1,940 21.38 11.80 1,937 17.48 9.56 2,107 16.40 10.04
Exercised during
the year
(1,412) 11.57 6.39 (1,157) 9.59 5.24 (1,195) 7.20 4.41
Forfeited during
the year
(292) 16.86 9.31 (306) 13.32 7.28 (173) 12.36 7.57
Outstanding at
end of year
10,068 15.16 8.37 9,832 13.46 7.36 9,358 12.15 7.44
Options exercisable
at end of year
6,052 12.58 6.94 5,321 11.41 6.24 4,259 9.93 6.08
The options outstanding at the end of the year have a weighted average remaining contractual life and exercise price as follows:
Range of exercise prices
2005 Number of share options 000s 2005 Weighted average contractual life Years 2004 Number of share options 000s 2004 Weighted average contractual life Years 2003 Number of share options 000s 2003 Weighted average contractual life Years
0 - 4.4 33 4.2 64 4.3 143 6.1
4.4 - 7.5 206 3.6 287 4.5 499 5.0
7.5 - 12 2,685 5.3 3,398 6.3 4,117 7.3
12 - 20 5,243 7.4 6,083 8.4 4,599 8.8
> 20 1,901 9.5 - - - -
  10,068 5.4 9,832 7.5 9,358 7.9

During the year IDC granted the following shares under restricted share arrangements:

During the year IDC granted the following shares under restricted share arrangements:
  2005 Number of shares 000s 2005 Weighted average fair value $ 2005 Weighted average fair value £ 2004 Number of shares 000s 2004 Weighted average fair value $ 2004 Weighted average fair value £ 2003 Number of shares 000s 2003 Weighted average fair value $ 2003 Weighted average fair value £
2000 Long-Term
Incentive Plan
148 20.57 11.35 69 17.57 9.61 76 16.97 10.39
2001 Employee
Stock Purchase Plan
178 3.68 2.03 124 3.24 1.77 118 2.64 1.62

Shares awarded under the 2000 Long-Term Incentive Plan were valued based on the share price prevailing at the date of grant. The fair value of the options granted under the Long-Term Incentive Plan and of the shares awarded under the 2001 Employee Stock Purchase Plan was estimated using a Black-Scholes model. The weighted average estimated fair values and the inputs into the Black-Scholes model are as follows:

The weighted average estimated fair values and the inputs into the Black-Scholes model are as follows:
  Long-Term Incentive Plan Employee Stock Purchase Plan
2005 Weighted average 2004 Weighted average 2003 Weighted average 2005 Weighted average 2004 Weighted average 2003 Weighted average
Fair value $5.56 $7.50 $8.09 $3.68 $3.24 $2.64
Weighted average
share price
$21.38 $17.48 $16.40 $15.46 $14.48 $11.24
Weighted average
exercise price
$21.38 $17.48 $16.40 $15.46 $14.48 $11.24
Expected volatility 24.50% 32.20% 61.10% 20.00% 20.00% 25.00%
Expected life 4.0 years 4.0 years 4.0 years 0.5 years 0.5 years 0.5 years
Risk free rate 3.86% 3.45% 2.00% 2.33% 1.03% 1.20%
Expected dividend
0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Forfeiture rate 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

The expected volatility is based on the historic volatility of IDC's share price over the vesting term of the options.

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