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Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

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20 Cash and cash equivalents (excluding overdrafts)

20 Cash and cash equivalents (excluding overdrafts)
All figures in £ millions 2005 2004 2003
Cash at bank and in hand 393 338 302
Short-term bank deposits 509 123 249
Total 902 461 551

Short-term bank deposits are invested with banks and earn interest at the prevailing short-term deposit rates.

The currency split of cash and cash equivalents in 2005 is 31% US dollars (2004: 38%), 38% Sterling (2004: 31%), 24% Euro (2004: 12%) and other 7% (2004: 19%).

The fair value of cash and cash equivalents is the same as the carrying value.

Cash and cash equivalents include the following for the purpose of the cash flow statement:
All figures in £ millions 2005 2004 2003
Cash and cash equivalents 902 461 551
Cash and cash equivalents included in assets classified as held for sale 141
Bank overdrafts (58) (58) (23)
Total 844 544 528

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