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Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

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14 Deferred income tax

14 Deferred income tax
All figures in £ millions 2005 2004 2003
Deferred tax assets
Deferred tax asset to be recovered after more than 12 months 343 318 313
Deferred tax asset to be recovered within 12 months 42 41 29
Total 385 359 342
Deferred tax liabilities
Deferred tax liability to be settled after more than 12 months (204) (139) (140)
Deferred tax liability to be settled within 12 months - - -
Total (204) (139) (140)
Net deferred tax 181 220 202

Deferred income tax assets and liabilities may be offset when there is a legally enforceable right to offset current tax assets against current tax liabilities and when the deferred income taxes relate to the same fiscal authority. The Group has unprovided deferred tax assets at 31 December 2005 in respect of UK losses (£32m) and US losses (£37m) and has not recognised a deferred tax asset on the net pension deficit on the basis that it is not sufficiently certain that suitable future profits will arise against which to offset the liability. The related unprovided deferred tax asset is £96m.

The recognition of the deferred tax assets is supported by management's forecasts of the future profitability of the relevant business units.

The gross movement on the deferred income tax account is as follows:
All figures in £ millions 2005 2004 2003
At beginning of year 220 202 255
Transition adjustment on adoption of IAS 39 5 - -
Exchange differences 21 (13) (34)
Acquisition through business combination (21) - (15)
Transfer between current and deferred taxation - 41 25
Income statement charge (note 8) (47) (23) (29)
Tax benefit to equity (note 8) 3 4 -
Transfer to non-current assets held for sale - 9 -
At end of year 181 220 202
The movement in deferred income tax assets and liabilities during the year is as follows:
All figures in £ millions Tax losses Goodwill and
Other Total
Deferred income tax assets
At 1 January 2003 131 57 186 374
Exchange differences (16) (4) (22) (42)
Transfer between current and deferred taxation 25 - (17) 8
Income statement (charge)/release (27) (7) 36 2
At 31 December 2003 113 46 183 342
Exchange differences (10) (3) (11) (24)
Transfer between current and deferred taxation 41 - (11) 30
Income statement release/(charge) 6 (6) 7 7
Tax benefit to equity - - 4 4
At 31 December 2004 150 37 172 359
Transition adjustment on adoption of IAS 39 - - 5 5
Exchange differences 16 4 18 38
Acquisition through business combination - - 1 1
Transfer between current and deferred taxation - - 23 23
Income statement charge (32) (6) (6) (44)
Tax benefit to equity - - 3 3
At 31 December 2005 134 35 216 385

Other deferred tax assets include temporary differences on inventory, sales returns and other
All figures in £ millions Goodwill and
Other Total
Deferred income tax liabilities
At 1 January 2003 (25) (94) (119)
Exchange differences - 8 8
Acquisition through business combination (15) - (15)
Transfer between current and deferred taxation - 17 17
Income statement charge (19) (12) (31)
At 31 December 2003 (59) (81) (140)
Exchange differences 8 3 11
Transfer between current and deferred taxation - 11 11
Income statement charge (8) (22) (30)
Transfer to non-current assets held for sale - 9 9
At 31 December 2004 (59) (80) (139)
Exchange differences (8) (9) (17)
Acquisition through business combination (24) 2 (22)
Transfer between current and deferred taxation - (23) (23)
Income statement (charge)/release (26) 23 (3)
At 31 December 2005 (117) (87) (204)

Other deferred tax liabilities include temporary differences on capital allowances and royalty advances.

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